Johns Hopkins University is excited to provide a new tool called Stellic, to help students seamlessly plan and track their path to completion. Within the same platform, advisors can provide deeper support as students navigate their academic journey, while also saving time confirming students for graduation. Below, you’ll discover a few key ways that the tool will impact students, advisors, and administrators at JHU.
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Students: take greater ownership over your academic journey
Here are some of the many features available to you with Stellic: Make sure you own your academic journey: Clearly see your completed, in-progress, and remaining requirements for your major. Discover and explore courses: Help find the best courses for you which pique your interest and fulfill your requirements to graduate. Plan your degree, the smart way: Drag and drop classes into semesters while seeing the time of year that class is usually offered, and if you’ve met the requirements for that class. Create a schedule that works for you: Visualize and create a schedule for the courses you are planning to take next semester - based on your other commitments and personal preferences. Reach out to your advisors: Ask for help and chat with your advisor(s) in one place.
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Advisors: quickly access key student information in one place
Stellic can help your students to take greater ownership of their academic journey, helping you save time and focus on providing deeper support services to students. Here are some of its many features: Track progress towards degree completion: see completed, in-progress, and remaining requirements for all students you advise. Quickly identify students to focus on: easily filter to find subsets of students based on factors like GPA, planned courses, and program. Deepen your relationship with students in advising sessions: spend more time discussing their academic and personal goals, and career interests. Access a clear ‘snapshot’ that captures information like majors, minors, what-if major/minors, GPA, expected graduation date, and interests - all in one place. Easily collaborate on student support with other advisors, faculty and student affairs staff.
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Create personalized degree plans and collaborate with advisors
Easily search for courses: Students at JHU can one-click search for courses themselves based on their interests, prerequisites cleared, preferred timing, open seats, timing, and much more. Plan courses for future terms: Students can also leverage a planning tool that provides a full academic plan personalized to their unique situation - they can then share this plan with their advisor. Students can drag and drop any course, milestone, or activity into any semester. Stellic then checks to see if that is a wise decision based on if a course is typically offered, if a student is over or under-enrolled, if the course conflicts with another course in their plan, if the course is likely to be offered, or if the course isn’t counting toward any degree requirements. This helps students clearly understand the requirements and future impacts of their decisions on time to completion.
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