Tiffany Mfume

Tiffany Mfume Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Retention Initiatives

Tiffany Beth Mfume, DrPH is the Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Retention Initiatives. Mfume is responsible for expanding collaborations to implement a systems-thinking approach to student success. She supports, develops, leads, and coordinates efforts that make it possible for students to thrive, with attention to the needs of first-generation, limited-income, international, and underrepresented students. Mfume’s portfolio includes Student Data Analytics, Success Coaching and Academic Advising (SCAA), First-generation and Limited Income (FLI), Johns Hopkins Underserved in the Medical Professions (JUMP), Student Outreach and Support (SOS), and the Center for Student Success (CSS). With 24 years of experience in higher education, she has implemented and led the adoption of numerous student success technologies such as EAB Navigate, Starfish, and Degree Works. She has served on numerous national committees including the NASPA Advising Technology Working Group, the College Board Colloquium Planning Committee, the EDUCAUSE Program Committee, EAB’s Student Success Innovation Council, the Executive Committee for the Commission on Information, Measurement, and Analysis (CIMA) of Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, and the USA Funds Advisory Council. member biography here…