Stellic release to additional schools
Stellic will be released this spring for additional schools, including: the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences Advanced Academic Programs, the School of Education, Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, and the Whiting School of Engineering residential master’s programs. A complete list of programs going live can be found here.
You can access Stellic via stellic.jhu.edu; a link is also available via SIS Self-Service.
Quick Reference Articles and Resources for Students

Not sure where to get started? Visit the Student Quickstart Guide (located on the lower left hand navigation on the Stellic login screen.
Interested in providing feedback on the new Stellic tool? Let us know what you think!
Stellic Features and Functionality
What is Stellic?
Stellic is an academic planning tool that was chosen after a comprehensive two-year evaluation process and we believe students will appreciate and greatly benefit from its modern functionality. Since last summer, our project team has been working diligently to transition our degree audit tool to Stellic. The university is working to get this new dynamic system up and running as quickly as possible across all programs and levels. Check the project timeline for an estimate on when Stellic will be available for you.
Thank you for your patience as we work to stand up this new system for you to utilize. Check back for updates. In the meantime, you may read more about the Stellic platform and its features below:

What can Stellic do for me?
Easily understand academic progress at JHU
Stellic provides a holistic degree audit that communicates progression toward all requirements, ensuring students and their advisors can visualize all elements of progress to completion in one place. This could include general education requirements, major, minor, what-if major, dual major, dual degree, residency requirements, milestones, etc.
The tool makes use of color-coding and other cues to allow students and advisors/staff to visualize requirements met, planned and unplanned.
Quickly access your key student information in one place
Stellic provides a clear view or ‘snapshot’ of any of your majors, minors, what-if major/minors, GPAs, enrolled term, expected graduation date, credits completed, courses planned, courses yet not planned, and interests.
Create personalized degree plans and collaborate with advisors
Easily search for courses
You can do a one-click search for courses themselves based on your interests, prerequisites cleared, preferred timing, open seats, timing, and much more.
Plan courses for future terms
You can also leverage a planning tool that provides a full academic plan personalized to your unique situation; you can then share this plan with your advisor. You can drag and drop any course, milestone, or activity into any semester. Stellic then checks to see if that is a wise decision based on if a course is typically offered, if you are over or under-enrolled, if the course conflicts with another course in your plan, if the course is likely to be offered, or if the course isn’t counting toward any degree requirements.
While planning, Stellic also displays a side-bar of your degree audit so you can drag a course from their audit into their planner, which includes how all of your transfer credits, AP scores, placement testing, etc. impact your remaining requirements.
Since students and advisors share the same view of degree plans within Stellic, you can collaborate in real-time and make adjustments to plans together where needed. This will enable seamless support from advisors while still empowering students at JHU to take ownership and understand exactly what you need to get to graduation as quickly as possible.

Identify best-fit courses for the most efficient path to graduation
When you plan a course, Stellic communicates the degree requirements it will satisfy. In many cases it will meet more than one, and Stellic communicates where it will double, triple and even quadruple count, always suggesting courses that will knock out the most open requirements. This can help you understand the most efficient path to graduation at JHU, as well as other options you may have along the way.
Build a personalized schedule
Stellic also provides a next-semester scheduler. You can take your next semester courses in your plan, and have these moved to a schedule that automatically chooses the best section based on other co-curricular activities you might have, as well as personal preferences (e.g. “I’m a morning person” or “I like a schedule that has courses spread apart”). From there, you can choose different selections and even drag-select an open slot of time and see suggested courses to possibly squeeze in. The Stellic scheduler can communicate open seats, reg-holds, waitlists, section constraints, etc. You can then share your schedule with your advisor for review.